Used Bike Swap

2022 Bike Swap IS A GO!!!

Bike Drop off is Friday April 8th and the Swap is on Saturday April 9th.

An event not to be missed. McBike and Sports used bike swap is the largest used bike sale in Smithers. Attracting hundreds of sellers each year. There are many bikes to choose from and friendly, knowledgable McBike staff on hand to help you with any questions you may have regarding fit or the quality of a bike. If you didn't find what you need in the swap there is always a good selection of previous years clearance model bikes from Norco, Kona, Giant, Santa Cruz and more.

To Sell A Bike

Drop off your bike on Friday Apr 8th between 9am and 6pm. Bikes must be clean and in good running order. No flat tires. We also accept frames, chariots, trailers, and accessories.

Pick up your unsold items on Saturday between 4pm and 6pm (sorry we do not have space to store them).

If your bike sold your proceeds will be ready on Monday for pickup.

Commission on all sales is 15%. If you are using the proceeds of your used bike to purchase a new bike from McBike then there is no commission.

Once a bike has been entered in the swap it may not be withdrawn or picked up until after 4pm on Saturday no exceptions.

To Purchase A Bike

Sale starts Saturday April 9th at 9am sharp. The sales area is roped off prior to 9am.

No purchases on Friday night or Saturday before the swap officially commences at 9am.

Cash, cheque or interac sales only (sorry no credit cards on used items).

All Sales FINAL on used bikes and gear.

Rope drops at 9am sharp.

get out & play today!!

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