
Smithers and the Bulkley Valley offers some of the best fishing in the world . There are fishing opportunities 12 months of the year but the best fishing is from April to the end of December. Fish species range from Rainbow, Cutthrout, + Lake trout , Burbot, to 5 different species of salmon, (Spring (KIng), Koho, Sockeye, Pink and Chum) , to the prized Steel head. The Pacific Ocean is just hours away  if you want world class salt water Salmon and Halibut Fishing. Be sure to check out our fishing updates page for the latest info on fishing conditions on the Bulkley, Morice, Kispiox, Skeena and Kitimat Rivers

The Fish season ! There is fishing and then there is getting ready for fishing season !

JAN-FEB-MAR-Trout + Steelhead

This time of year is mostly spent ice fishing or tying flies ! Many of the local lakes are productive in the winter for Rainbow, Brook,Cuthroat + Lake trout and Char. If you are a keener to fish Steelhead and can brave some cold water the Skeena, the Kalum and Kitimat rivers can get you a sore arm whether you are fly fishing or using gear.

APRIL-MAY-Trout, Steelhead, Spring Salmon (King)

The local rivers like the Bulkley, Morice, Babine and the Kispiox are closed to fishing untill May 15.   This can be an exciting time to fish the rivers around the lower Skeena . There are Steelhead to be had and you might tie into a 30 plus pound Spring that wants to rip your arm off. This is a feeling you will never forget ! The ice fishing is slowing down as the fish aren't very active and the ice is getting thin. Late may can be a good time to check out some great trout fishing in the local lakes. The trout are hungry . Read up on places like the famous "Rainbow Alley" on Babine lake.

JUNE-Trout + Spring Salmon

June is the month most of the local rivers are blown out due to the spring run off from melting snow in the high country. The Skeena river can be good fishing in the last week of June for Spring salmon. This is a good time to check out some ocean fishing near Prince Rupert. Mid June the Springs and Halibut are easy to target.  June is the month where many fishers get out on the lakes for trolling action for Rainbow Trout and Char.

JULY-Chinook Salmon (Kings) + Trout

July is Chinook ( Spring salmon) month ! Get out on  and put some time in the local rivers . This is the most productive month to fish for Chinook Salmon. Fish range in the 8-40 pound range with some well over 60 pounds. The record is close to 100 pounds on the Skeena river. There are many ways to fish for Chinooks to keep things exciting. The lakes are still be good fishing but many of the small lakes are not as productive once the water temp goes up. The Ocean is full of Springs, and Coho are showing up too. This is a good time to get out for some tasty Halibut. Check out some local charter companies in either Prince Rupert or Kitimat.

August- All the Pacific Salomon Species(Chinook,Koho,Sockeye,Pink,Chum) + Steelhead

If you want variety this is the month to come fishing in the Pacific Northwest ! You can have it all . Depending on which river or lake you fish you can have 5 different varietys of Salomon plus the bonus Steelhead ! The Bulkley river has some late run Springs. The middle of August the Koho start to arrive and the Steelhead dry fly action gets started. The Babine river is the place to go if you want to fly fish for  some Sockeye ! . The Skeena river has a diverse  variety of fish in August depending which week you are there.  These include Kalum river Springs, Sockeye ,Koho, Pinks, and there are some big Steelhead to be had. The Nass river system has some huge Springs in the later weeks of August.


September-Steelhead,Steelhead,Steelhead + Koho

This is the time that all the Steelhead Bums all around the world dream about . Their fishing excursion to the Steelhead Capitol of the World. People go to " Las Vegas" to Gamble but the "Steelhead Die Hards" come to the Skeena watershed to fish for these chromers. Rivers like the Skeena, Babine, Copper, Kispiox, Morice, Bulkley, Sustet produce the biggest Steehead in the World.

If your looking for some great tasting Koho, September is the month for all the above rivers. The Skeena is known for the big ones, some times over 20 pounds !

October,November, December-Steelhead + some Koho

These months are usually spent Steelhead fishing but there are still Koho to be had. The lower Skeena has some big Koho still coming in and the Nass river has Koho fishing into November.

The dry fly fishing can still be good on warm days until mid Oct. Once the water temp drops then the fish hang out in the deeper runs and the sink tips will have to come out. For drift fishers rubber worms or yarn can be stellar. Chucking spoons or spinners are always going to get you fish .

Fish untill December 31 or the river freezes up. Once Jan 1 rolls around  be sure to check on water river are open. Many of the river are closed for fishing from Jan 1st to May 15.


Bulkley River Water Levels

Tyee Test fishery

Fishing Brands

This is just a small selection of the many great fishing brand names that McBike and Sport Carries

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Bulkley, Skeena, Kispiox River Levels

Links to river water level monitor stations from popular fishing locations in the Northern BC around Smithers, Hazelton, Houston and Terrace.

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Spring/Chinook Salmon Fishing

The Bulkley River is a great river for catching Spring Salmon. Check out this great video of one of our employees fishing for Chinook on the Bulkley.

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