Steelhead Season!

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Posted on Sep 06/2014

Bulkley River Fishing Report

Water has dropped to very low levels after the last bit of rain brought things up a bit. Clarity is excellent. Steelhead fishing is excellent particularily on the dry fly. Enjoy dry fly fishing for Steelhead on the Bulkley while the river temp is still good and before the temperatures drop. You can switch to wet flys and tips later. Steelhead numbers are much better than 2013 but not as good as the amazing 2012 season. Coho fishing is exceptional, many people are calling it one of the best years they can remember although test fishery numbers indicate similar returns to last year. Particularily Moricetown and Telkwa pools are fishing very well for Coho.

Skeena River Fishing Report

Water levels are decent and color is good. Steelhead fishing is good. There is the odd sockeye around and decent Coho numbers higher up.

Kispiox River Fishing Report

The rain last week colored the river up a bit but it has been improving steadily and is in decent shape. Coho fishing is good in the pools. Steelhead are still a little slow on the Kispiox from what we are hearing.

Ocean Fishing Report

Coho is still doing well but is starting to slow down. Halibut is decent.

get out & play today!!

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