The Sockeye are Coming

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Posted on Jul 14/2014

Skeena River Fishing Update

Tyee test fishery numbers for Sockeye Salmon are through the roof. The cumulative number is already more than 1.5x the entire 2013 return (although that was a horrid year). The cumulative at 661 is also substantially higher than 2012 (548) and 2011 (479) for the same date. I was in Terrace on Saturday fishing at Ferry Island on the Skeena and while the sockeye are there they are not being pulled in in massive numbers yet. It was very hot and few were on the river during the day which made for pleasantly uncrowded conditions but in the evening it quickly became crowded. People fishing hard gear were doing significantly better than fly anglers. The current seems slower than in past years. A lighter rod capable of casting lighter weights is recommended. Use a bottom bouncing rig with a crimped on piece of lead to avoid losing your whole rig in the rocky bottom. A long leader with a corky and size 2 gamakatsu octopus hook works well. For fly fishing I was using 12ft of type 7 sink tip and found i was hitting bottom easily. There are still people catching springs as well including some of the larger ones we have seen this season. The etiquite seems to be that active fishing (bottom bouncing) generally takes place upstream of the bridge towards the tip of the island and those bar fishing tend to set up downstream of the bridge. Once the sockeye really heats up people will bottom bounce throughout the entire area.

Bulkley River Update

Chinook are now being consistantly caught on the Bulkley and in better numbers than last week. Moricetown area is producing well also Anderson Flats. Expect good numbers up in the Houston area in the next week as well around Strawberry and the usual haunting grounds. Keep in mind the bait ban comes into force on the Bulkley in just a couple of weeks on Aug 1.

Kispiox River Fishing Update

The Kispiox is looking great with quite clear water. Chinook are in the system particularily in the lower section and are in good condition. Expect them to move into the upper section in the next week.

Kitimat River Update

Kitimat is still in good condition. Chums are the target fish and numbers are good.

Rainbow Alley

Rainbow Alley on the Babine has lasted surprisingly long this year. Fish are hitting the dry fly hard and it is highly worth the trip up there. The forecast looks good for continued hatches and great fishing.

get out & play today!!

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